
we can do after the magazine leaves our hands but offer to replace the order at half price thus sharing the loss.

11. SPEAKING OF LOSSES: Just as first class packages can be lost completely, so first class envelopes can be lost or their contents carefully rifled and then all re- turned to proper channels. Recently we had a sister who said that she had sent us a large order containing several $10 bills. This size of an order is large enough to cause me to note it with enthusiasm but unfortunately I never actually saw it. Since it was in cash it could not be traced or located. Had it been in a money order

it could have been traced, stopped or a photostat ob- tained to show who had endorsed it. But when cash is sent and not received or even received and improperly recorded there is no tracing it. I hate to be put in the spot of having to tell a reader that we never got his order or that he forgot to put the money in the letter etc. It makes me feel that he will think that we ap- propriated it without giving him credit and I don't like this a bit, so please use checks or money orders. You don't have to fill out a thing on a money order, send it in blank if you want, so that identity is not involved. 111: SUPER SECURITY: During the war there was a fac- etious top security classification marked "TOP SECRET --DESTROY BEFORE READING". Well we have a reader with a similar interest in protecting his identity since he sent in $10 without putting an identifying name or code number on either letter or envelope. I'm sure he is secure, but we are baffled.


ORDER FORMS: The last two pages of each TVia comprise an order form. It is put there for you to use, please do so as it helps us to avoid overlooking orders that are in the body of letters, or as P.S s. etc. The magazine is bound in such a way that cutting out this page with the scissors is not going to loosen any other pages or in anyway do any permanent damage to your copy. These are printed there to help you to help us give you better service. It would be a help if you'd

use them.
